Find Snail Mail Pen Pals

Reply to a listing using the free forwarding service

Step 1: Get a copy of the magazine

Subscribe or buy a single issue or share with a friend. You can use our free forwarding service to reply to listings whether you are a subscriber or not. US Postage stamps are required on letters sent for forwarding. (You can buy them on eBay.)

Step 2: Browse the listings

To find a correspondent, browse the listings in the magazine in categories from Art to Work (listings are not online).

  • Note the Lex Number at the beginning of each listing — you'll need it to use the free forwarding system (names and addresses are not printed in the magazine).
  • You can also write to Lexers who intrigue you with Sketch Listings or Letters to Lex — just look for the Lex Number.

Step 3: Write your letter

Enjoy writing your letter!

Step 4: Send your letter to us for forwarding

  • Seal your letter in an envelope, add a US Postage stamp (you can buy them on eBay), and put it in a larger envelope.
  • Mail the large envelope to The Letter Exchange. We’ll add the forwarding label that sends your letter on its way.
  • If you're an annual subscriber you may choose to use your Lex Number as your return address; your new correspondent can write back to you using our forwarding service as long as you want.